Farm Journal
Greetings from the farm! Winter's chill has given way to an unusually balmy spring, and we've been working hard to take advantage of the favorable conditions. Warm temperatures and relatively dry field conditions enabled us to plant some of our early-season crops almost four weeks earlier than last year. Spinach, salad mix, radishes, turnips and carrots have all begun to germinate. In addition, our new employees, Jeff, Meredith, and Nathan have been working hard getting all of the spring seedlings in the ground. So far this week we've planted bok choy, head lettuce, napa cabbage, beets and broccoli. Starting on Monday we'll tackle the onions and leeks. It feels great to be outside again, and we're looking forward to the first week of the spring share when all the hard work will begin to pay off! In the meantime, don't hesitate to contact us with any questions. --Peg
Purple tulips brighten the entrance to the barn.
Our first planting of cherry belle radishes is off to a good start.
Important Reminders
CSA members who registered for the spring vegetable share will receive their first vegetables on May 5th or 6th, depending on the pickup site. The summer vegetable share starts the week of June 14th, and the fruit share starts the week of June 28th. By now you should have received an email from us containing specific pickup site details. If you need this information resent, please contact Peg at